Terra Demo v2

Screenshot of Terra Demo v2

Built with Speed in Mind

Sorry folks, Terra isn't a real company. But, I had a lot of fun creating a full website for an imaginary business!

I collaborated with another developer to complete this website, which serves as a React.js template kit for use by web developers. This kit demo's a full small business website, and in fact, I spent most of my time coding stuff "behind the scenes". The front-end display was the easiest part, and on top of the responsive design, I spent most of the time coding:

  • Highest degree of SEO, and in most cases, automatically generated for each page
  • Blazing fast load times using React/Gatsby-specific strategies
  • Extremely accessible, further enhancing user experience and SEO
  • Statically generated blog using NetlifyCMS (if unwanted, very easy to remove)
  • Ready-to-use NetlifyCMS to write blog articles
  • Many call-to-action opportunities to boost sales

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Apr 20, 2022


Web Development

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