
Screenshot of Revista

Static blog powered by React + GatsbyJS

Revista is a blog/magazine template that we released completely free, for anyone to use.

Best of all, Revista is open-source. If you have an idea for a blog/magazine site and would like to use Revista, you can go ahead and use it without our permission.

For open-source forkers: Simply add articles to the `/content` folder (see existing Markdown files for template), and with a CI/CD workflow and host like Netlify or Vercel, Revista will create all of your articles, categories, and more! If you'd like to add a Git-based Headless CMS like DecapCMS, this would be simple since Revista is powered by Markdown files.

If you'd like to use Revista but aren't sure how to set up a GatsbyJS website, don't hesitate to contact us for a quote. We're happy to customize Revista to fit your needs and set you up with static blog hosting.

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Oct 10, 2023


Web Development

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